The "2 Base number" Orbit Coincidence

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There is a simple "law" concerning the radiuses of the orbits of the planets. As remarkable as this is for predicting the orbit radiuses of the planets there is no explanation of the law in terms of other laws of physics. A laughably easy way to use Base 2 numbers that seriously diminish its scientific value:

It was called Bode's Law because it was popularized by Bode

It was actually discovered by Titius. It is a rule or formula for finding the orbit radiuses of the planets. 
Bode's Law is a very important issue for informal science as it is so close to the status of a phenomenological law but has no theoretical explanation (or at least it has no explanation accepted by most the scholarly community, yet it is freakishly coincidental). An attempt made by Poveda and Lara to confirm this law by the data from a different planetary system is very interesting and important as it could have helped us to better understand the nature of TBL. However, due to serious mistakes committed by the authors their hypothesis was rejected and the question of existence of the Bode-Titius Law in other planetary systems (as well as the question of its best mathematical form in the Solar system) remains open.
Although The Bode-Titius Law gives a pretty fair approximation of the radiuses of the orbits of the planets, It appears to fail between Mars and Jupiter where there are many asteroids and where they would have combined to form a planet if Jupiter was not so close by! The Law fails to give the right figure for Neptune too but Pluto fits the value given by the law quite well.

This approach is indeed very interesting as if this hypothesis have been correct it would be a major step towards proving the physical nature of this highly controversial law. Obviously, if the distribution of planetary distances were governed by TBL not only in the Solar system but also in other planetary systems, it would clearly demonstrate that TBL is something more than a simple numerical coincidence. 
Now, since I'm no astronomical or maths genius and I'm very curious to understand this and other things, from a NON CONFORMIST scientific perspective, I'm Now challenging fellow discoverers to assist me in understanding the implications this might have on the cosmos:
It can have great implications in understanding some things mentioned below:
  • The relationship between bits and bytes and binary              values: 0 and 1 on computers seem to be related to this :      Eg. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096,        8192, 16384
  • Gravity does the Universe apply more keys by which gravity works instead of unexplainable magical forces that pull each other?
  • Perpetual Motion or a harmonic oscillator?
  • Relationship between sizes of planets in our solar system
  • Lastly, there seems to be a systematic relationship between the periods of planets revolving around a primary body. The distances of the planets from the sun, seems based on the numerical sequence 0, 3, 6, 12, 24,48… By adding 4 to each number and then by dividing that number by 10 gives the sequence of 0.4, 0.7, 1, 1.6, 2.8,5.6,which is a reasonable representation of distances in astronomical units for most planets.

Fellow researchers (Not newtonian scientists) may join me on on a claborative journey where we chuck conformist science out the window and rely on our own "grey matter" to get to know our Cosmos. 

PS, follow me and share this all over the informal science forums you belong to!
Artist's concept of a distant planetary system
Artist's concept of a distant planetary system (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Comments (2)

why does planet distances from the sun double every time, what effect does this have on gravity? Why is gravity not a force on the standard model of particle physics?

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